Friday, June 20, 2008

All hail Hypnotoad

I got tagged by Tara - cause she likes me more than
anyone else - right Tara....riiiggghht?
Okay so here I go

3 Things Tag

3 Joys
(surprisingly, this one was really hard)

1. My sisters kids
2. Going to the movies - love it
3. Sneaking Chili's chips and salsa into the theatre

3 Fears

1. Roller Skating
2. Ice Skating
3. Goats - have you taken a good look into their eyes? Pure evil

3 Goals

1. Get in shape (me too Tara)
2. Finish my drawing of Ginger Rogers
3. Get my shit together

3 Current Obsessions

1. Buying clothes (that hasn't changed in years)
2. Family Guy or Futurama (see title and picture)
3. Reading Chuck Palahniuk or Neil Gaiman books - I can't get enough

3 Surprising Facts About Me

1. I want to be an interior designer, I don't know if that's surprising
2. I'm pretty decent at drawing portraits, or so I've been told
3. I still wish I were a dancer

3 People I Tag

1. Tiff
2. Heather
3. Moose



Tara said...

Totally true Teish!

That is hilarious about the goats. Now I know to avoid messing with them at the zoo.

I can't wait to see you tomorrow!

heather said...

Nice. So I've never really gotten down and looked at a goat but I will just take your word for it. You are too cute!

Jess said...

Goats are creepy, but there's worse... the Emu. :)