Maybe eventually I can get back to reporting on
the happenings of my life. But right now, my
life seems tiny and meaningless. If you do not
the happenings of my life. But right now, my
life seems tiny and meaningless. If you do not
enjoy reading about these issues, please feel free to
take a break from my blog. Because honestly, this is what
consumes me in my life right now. And I use my blog
to write not only about what I do, but how I feel.
And this is me, take it or leave it.
I have spoken
quite a bit on this issue, and I probably sound
uniformed and possibly uneducated.
But there are people who come along and
take my breath away. Keith Olbermann has
managed to put into words what I could never
imagine to do on my own.
quite a bit on this issue, and I probably sound
uniformed and possibly uneducated.
But there are people who come along and
take my breath away. Keith Olbermann has
managed to put into words what I could never
imagine to do on my own.