I have had a very hard time deciding if I should
post certain things because of my personal
opinions, especially knowing that most people
who read my blog generally disagree with me.
But, I have decided that this is my personal
blog, something I hope to look back on and
remember certain points in my life.
That being said, I am about to write some
very personal feelings. And I am going to
warn you, some of you might not like
what I am going to say.
Yesterday was an historic day for our
country. 40-60 years ago was an ugly time
for blacks and minorities in this country.
Segregation was the norm, and blacks were
allowed to entertain us, but not use the
same drinking fountain, eat in the same
restaurants, or sit by white people on
the bus. All of us are very aware of this point
in Unites States history. We are taught in school
how the black community banned together, and
some lost their lives, to fight discrimination and
segregation. Our government backed the idea
of a black individual being less of a person
than white individuals. A lot of our generation looks
back on this and we can't quite understand
how anyone could even think this way.
And yesterday our generation spoke loud and clear
about how we felt. We voted and elected an
African American as our president. And I
think we should be so proud as a nation that
we have gotten this far. As Obama gave his
speech, I was moved to tears.
But my pride turned to sorrow today as I got
the news that the majority of people in California
voted for Proposition 8. I also found out that the
Mormon church was 70% of the finances used to
help back this proposition. Surprising to me, knowing
that the Mormon religion had their own struggle with
people discriminating against them for their religious
beliefs. 70 million dollars total was spent to back a
proposition that encouraged discrimination. And I realize
we have another fight coming in this country.
We are at the same point we were, just with
a different group. We allow gays and lesbians
to entertain us. Ellen Degeneres, Will and Grace,
Queer Eye for the Straight Guy. We listen to
musicians like Elton John, Judas
Priest, Michael Stipe of REM and Lou Reed.
And yet, we don't allow these people the same
rights that we've had since we were born.
This isn't about allowing people to be gay,
it's about accepting that they are. Acceptance.
There was a time when it was illegal for people
of different races to marry each other.
I know that had we not seen this as discrimination,
it would have affected a lot of people I know today.
People who have married mexican-americans,
latin-americans and asian-americans.
Think about all of your friends who have
interracial marriages and think how it would
affect them if they were told that they couldn't get married.
This Halloween weekend I was literally yelled
at by someone that I know my parents consider
family because of my views on gay marriage.
A simple discussion of politics turned to
anger and hatred. Homosexuality was compared
to pedophilia and bestiality. And it brought me to tears
that people still feel that much anger towards a
group of people, that are only asking to be treated
equally when choosing who they want to spend
their lives with. And isn't that what we are told
as children what America is all about? Equality?
It brought me to tears today to find out that
the majority of California, which is know to be culturally
ahead of the curve, is still stuck in this idea
of discrimination. The majority of blacks and
hispanics voted yes on prop 8. Surprising to me
that the same people who fought so hard
to be treated equally now get their chance
to discriminate.
I have tried my best to not judge anyone based on their beliefs.
But, this issue has really gotten to me. We as voters have
so much power. And it scares me to think that my life
could possibly be in the hands of people that hate who I am
or could be. I am so thankful that I live in a country that
is not allowed to discrimate against me for being a woman or an
atheist. Most places of business can be sued if they
discriminate against a person for their sexuality, and
yet that is exactly what the whole country is doing.
I hope that one day younger generations look back at us
and think to themselves how ignorant we once were.
And I hope more than anything that President Obama
looks back at his ancenstry, and puts a stop to this
kind of discrimination once and for all.
I will leave you, and this post, with a heartwarming
story (at least in my eyes) about a lesbian couple
Phyllis Lyon and Del Martin, who have been together
for 55 years! They were married in 2004 the first time they
legalized gay marriage until it was struck down.
And again in May of this year. These two women have spent
their lives fighting for the rights of gays and lesbians
since 1955. Everyone keeps talking about the sanctity
of marriage, when I believe our generation doesn't even take
marriage seriously. I know people my age who have been
divorced twice already. And for two women to last that
long, they deserve to be married. Unfortunately, Del Martin
passed away. And with Proposition 8 being passed, I believe
that will make their marriage void.